
The Vision
The Aloe Family is a 501c3 nonprofit who is equipping future leaders to change cycles of poverty in their environments through healing, hope and community empowerment.
Be a part of The Aloe Family
Who we serve
Everyone at some point needs a hand up through a transitional time. We serve resilient communities locally in Nashville and globally in Latin American countries who are going through challenges such as lack of family support, cyclical poverty, lack of transportation, immigration and asylum seeking, and more.
How we serve
Our programs give a hand up towards self sufficiency through skill building, relationship building, and hope. Our student programs involve tutoring, english classes, life skills, therapy, and apprenticeship programs. Our Adult programs include English classes, small business loans, financial literacy and job skills training. We also offer nutritional and health/wellness programs.
Our Values and Foundations
Everyone Deserves a chance Self Sufficiency Accountability Commitment and Responsibility Consistency Resilience Professionalism Good Stewardship Teamwork and Collaboration
Get Involved
The Aloe Family exists because of generous people interested in empowering resilient people towards positive life change. Serve with us, give with us, and join The Aloe Family.
Building Community and Creating Family
Resilience is the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties. The communities we serve involve people living in challenges, but choose to fight to over come them, as we walk together towards brighter futures.
The Aloe Family gives a hand- up. Just like a family steps in to set a child on a path for success, we also provide resources to launch individuals into pursuing their dreams for education and financial stability. We believe in sustainability, accountability and real- life models for empowerment.
Through a trauma informed approach and a basis in faith in God, we know how important healing is. We offer a community of support to allow those we serve to see their futures and their present through a lens of hope.
The Aloe Family is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to provide opportunities for education, well-being, self-sufficiency and healing to resilient communities and individuals facing challenges of poverty and lack of family support.

Fresh Food Access
Many of the families we serve struggle financially- making healthy food an after thought rather than a priority. Through partnership with Dream Streets in Nashville, and partners in Mexico, we ensure that those we serve are educated and have access to healthy food in order to prevent illnesses and malnutrition.

Education Support
We believe that education is the key to positive futures. In Nashville, the majority of kids we serve are immigrants and refugees. We don’t want language barriers to be another challenge for them. Each week we offer homework help for the students and free English classes for the Adults. In Mexico, we have the “Aloe House” which not only houses students in need, but also acts as a free resource for students in the community to have access to computers, printers and school supplies. We also offer tutoring, apprenticeship programs, and support for students internationally without access to school.

Leadership, Job skills & Professional Development
We are equipping future leaders to change cycles of poverty in their environments through business skills including marketing, budgeting, English, making artisan crafts and more. Locally and internationally, the entrepreneurs in our programs receive small business loans, business plan training, and mentorship to be able to achieve financial independence.
Why the name The Aloe Family?
Aloe vera is a plant that is rough on the outside, making it tough enough to grow in the harshest conditions in the desert. Just a small amount of water is enough resource for it to grow. When you break the aloe vera plant open, healing properties drip out of the inside.
The Aloe Family seeks to provide a hand-up to the resilient. The communities we work with consist of individuals who are tough, who grow with the resources they have, and who are healing on the inside from the challenges they have faced.
We operate as a family, carrying each others burdens, and pushing one another to be the best version of themselves.
How You Can Help?
There are countless ways you can help us in our quest for empowering and supporting resilient future leaders. You can make a donation (however big or small), join our fundraiser events, or volunteer your time locally and globally.
Sundays: Meet at Dream Streets 520 39th Avenue N. Nashville, TN 37209 at 11 AM to pack the free fresh groceries and head to Rolling Hills (6535 Premier Drive) to distribute to the families.
Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15- 4:30 PM help our kids do their homework! 6535 Premier Drive.
Saturdays 11- 1 PM Education and Community Fun days at 6535 Premier Drive.
Thursdays at 6-8 PM. English class for Adults and Fitness class. 6535 Premier Drive
Serve internationally! The Aloe Family serves regularly in Nashville, and in other “SEED” initiatives in locations such as Honduras and Puerto Rico. email thealoefamilyinfo@gmail.com for more information
Interested in becoming a local business skills or english mentor? Email thealoefamilyinfo@gmail.com
Values & Foundations

Family + Community
We all need family and communities where we feel safe and supported. We believe that we all need a hand-up at times in order to be our best selves. The Aloe Family acts as that support.

Always learning. Always Growing. The Aloe Family provides educational opportunities and support to refugees, and to those in need of financial support for furthering their education.

Financial Stability
We help future leaders find solutions for financial independence, despite challenges that come with poverty. Through business loans, and creative job opportunities, we empower creative and resilient entrepreners.

Hope and Healing
Through hope in faith, friendship, trauma informed care, and aid in counseling resources, we believe that resilient people can heal, and help heal others as well.